Iqra 埃米尔博士.D.

Assistant Professor of 计算机科学, 计算机科学
Rydal Executive Plaza, 3rd floor, 320

Dr. Iqra 埃米尔 is an Assistant Professor in the Division of Science and Engineering at The 宾西法尼亚 State University at 阿宾顿, 美国. Prior to joining Penn State, she was a Postdoctoral Researcher at Yale University and the University of Texas at Houston, where she focused on suicide ideation detection and named entity recognition using clinical text. Dr. 艾米尔获得了博士学位.D. in 计算机科学 from Instituto Politécnico Nacional in 2022. During her doctoral studies, she worked on multi-label emotion classification for both code-mixed and monolingual text. Her research also addressed various challenges related to social media text, including emotion classification, mental health illness detection, 假新闻识别, hate speech and toxic speech detection, 作者简介.

Natural Language Processing, Data Science, Machine Learning


  • Postdoctorate at Yale University and University of Texas, United States    
  • Research Scholar at Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
  • Research Scholar at RALI Lab University of Montreal, Canada


  • 埃米尔,我., & Sidorov G. (2020). Author Profiling Using Texts in Social Networks. In Handbook of Research on Natural Language Processing and Smart Service Systems (pp. 245-265). IGI全球.


  • Arif, M., 埃米尔,我., Bölücü, N.西多罗夫,G.格尔布赫,A., & Elangovan V. (2024). Mental Illness Classification on Social Media Texts Using Deep Learning and Transfer Learning. Computación y Sistemas, 28(2).
  • Zahid, M.哈比卜. F., Ijaz, M., 埃米尔,我.乌拉,我.艾哈迈德,T., He, Z. (2024). Factors affecting injury severity in motorcycle crashes: Different age groups analysis using Catboost and SHAP techniques. Traffic injury prevention. 影响因子:2.183.
  • 埃米尔,我., Bölücü, N.西多罗夫,G.,徐,H., & B可以,., (2023). Which is More Informative for Emotion Classification in Texts over Graph Neural Networks? Syntactic or Semantic Representation. IEEE访问. 2169-3536. 影响因子:3.476.
  • 埃米尔,我., Bölücü, N.西迪基,M. H. F.解析:选B。.西多罗夫,G., & Gelbukh,. (2023). Multi-Label Emotion Classification in Texts Using Transfer Learning, Expert Systems with Applications, 118534. 影响因子:8.665.
  • I. 埃米尔, G. 西多罗夫Gómez阿多诺,H., & 英国人,. M. A. (2022). Multi-label Emotion Classification on Code-Mixed Text: Data and Methods, IEEE访问. 2169-3536. 影响因子= 3.367. 
  • 埃米尔,.纳兹,F.泰姬,B. G., & 埃米尔,我. (2021). The impact of manager’s personality traits on project success through affective professional commitment: the moderating role of organizational project management maturity system. Journal of Facilities Management,影响因子:2.19.
  • 埃米尔,我.阿什拉夫,n.n.西多罗夫,G., & Gómez阿多诺. (2020). Multi-label Emotion Classification using Content-Based Features in Twitter. Computación y Sistemas, 24(3), Impact Factor: 0.782. 
  • 埃米尔,我.西多罗夫,G., & 英国人,. M. A. (2019). Author Profiling for Age and Gender Using Combinations of Types of Features. 智能杂志 & 模糊系统(JIFS) 影响因子:1.426.


  • 李,Z., 埃米尔,我.,胡,Y.Abdelhameed, A.陶,C.Selek, S., & 华,X. (2023). Suicide Tendency Prediction from Psychiatric Notes Using Transformer Models. In 2023 IEEE 11th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI) (pp. 481-483). IEEE.
  • Bolucu N., 埃米尔,我.巴塔尼,A. A., & 华,H. (2023). Findings of WASSA 2023 Shared Task: Multi-Label and Multi-Class Emotion Classification on Code-Mixed Text Messages. WASSA 2023在ACL 2023.
  • Arif, M.Tonja, A. L., 埃米尔,我.科列斯尼科娃,O.格尔布赫,A., Sidorov. Meque G., A.G.M. (2022). CIC在CheckThat! 2022:  Multi-class and cross-lingual fake news detection. CLEF 2022: Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum.
  • 奥尔蒂斯,G.贝尔·恩格斯,G., 埃米尔,我., Gómez-Adorno, H., & Sidorov G. (2022). Job offers classifier using neural networks and oversampling methods. 8th World Conference on Soft Computing.
  • 棕褐色,F. A.A . hhriyetoglu.卡塞利,T.奥斯特戴克,n.n.野本,T.赫蒂亚拉奇,H., 埃米尔,我., Uca, O.,莉莎,F. F., & Hu. T. (2022). The Causal News Corpus: Annotating Causal Relations in Event Sentences from News. 2022 International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. 
  • 埃米尔,我.卡佩略,C. P.Gómez阿多诺,H., & Sidorov G. (2021). Automatic Fake News Detection in Urdu Language using Transformers." In Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation.
  • 西迪基,M. H. F., 埃米尔,我.格尔布赫,A., & Sidorov G. (2019). Bots and Gender Profiling on Twitter. CLEF 2019 Labs and Workshops, Notebook Papers2019年9月. Lugano,瑞士.
  • 埃米尔,我.西迪基,M. H. F.西多罗夫,G., & Gelbukh,. (2019). Simple Yet Very Efficient Approach to Hate Speech Detection, Aggressive Behavior Detection, and Target Classification in Twitter. SemEval at NAACL-HLT 2019, 美国明尼阿波利斯.
  • Sittar,., & 埃米尔,我. (2018). Multi-lingual Author Profiling Using Stylistic Features. In Working Notes for MAPonSMS at FIRE’18 - Workshop Proceedings of the 10th International Forum for Information Retrieval Evaluation (FIRE’18)., cerr, DAIICT来自印度古吉拉特邦.
  • Pervaz,我., 埃米尔,我., & 英国人,. M. A. (2015). Identification of Author Personality Traits using Stylistic Features. CLEF 2015 Evaluation Labs and Workshop – Working Notes Papers, 8-11 September, Toulouse, France, September 2015. ISSN 1613 - 0073.

Ph.D. in 计算机科学, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico D.F,墨西哥(荣誉)
M.S. in 计算机科学, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Mexico D.F,墨西哥(荣誉)
B.S. in 计算机科学, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan/Lancaster University, United Kingdom

CMPSC 441 Artifical Intelligence